Os X Internals Ebook

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Sometimes you may experience particular sites are started loading very slowly on your Google Chrome browser. If you notice the Resolving Host message displayed in browsers status bar then it could be the root cause for the delay. This resolving host problem also causes the site to load in a scrambled manner without proper links. Besides Google Chrome it also affects all popular browsers like Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, etc. Resolving Host Issue in Chrome. Why it Happens In order to open a website, the site URL entered on the browser address bar is to be resolved to an numerical IP address. This resolution happens through Domain Name System known popularly as DNS. The technical reason for resolving host issue is that the DNS servers configured by your Internet Service Provider ISP takes long time to find a mapping IP address for the URL you have entered. This is probably due to change in ISP or change in DNS settings by your ISP. Sometimes the DNS cache stored in your local computer or Chrome browser may also cause delay in finding the correct IP address of the site. Below diagram explains how the IP address is obtained from multilevel DNS hierarchy part A and then the actual content is retrieved from server using that IP part B. Resolving host message is displayed on browsers status bar during the process of part A. Learn more about resolving host or domain name here. Resolving Host Process. The easiest way to overcome resolving host problem is to directly opening the IP address in browsers address bar which will skip the entire resolving host process. For instance enter 1. Apple website instead of typing www. Since it is practically not possible to remember IP addresses of all the sites and one site may have multiple IP addresses or one IP is assigned to multiple site in shared hosting scenario, it is necessary to solve the issue. Here is the list of possible solutions explained in step by step for fixing the resolving host issue. Network setting changes are explained for Windows users, the same can be followed in Mac with appropriate changes. How to Fix Resolving Host IssueDepending on the root cause of the issue one of the below solutions should fix the resolving host issue Change your DNS servers to public DNS servers. Clear DNS cache of Chrome browser Clear DNS cache of your local PC or Mac. Disable DNS prefetching or prediction on Chrome. Change LAN settings Modifying hosts file. IP conflict due to multiple computers connected to the same wireless router Contacting your Internet Service Provider ISPEach option is discussed detail in the following sections. Option 1 Change to Public DNSChanging the DNS servers in your network settings is the straight forward way of fixing this issue. You can use any of the public DNS servers available in the net. Since all your internet activities will be routed through the DNS servers for resolving domains, only use known and reliable server address and avoid using unknown free server details for security reasons. Here we used the IP addresses of Googles public DNS servers for Preferred DNS server as 8. Alternate DNS server as 8. TCPIPv. 4 as shown in the picture below. Set Google Public DNSAfter changing the DNS servers, close all browser windows and reopen the browser. Now try opening your website which should open fast without showing any Resolving host message in the status bar. All sites should be loaded comparatively faster than before and you can open the sites properly in Firefox, Safari, Edge and Internet explorer also. For the network with IPv. Internet Protocol Version 6 TCPIPv. DNS. But this will have impact in Windows 1. Home. Group. 2. If your network uses IPv. IP addresses of the Google public DNS will be 2. Your internet router by default uses the DNS from ISP which also can cause this problem. Refer the router manual on how to change the DNS and use public DNS instead of the default servers. Especially when you have multiple devices connected to the same router, changing the DNS on each device is a time consuming task, hence try changing it on the router and check the sites open without resolving host message. Option 2 Clearing DNS Cache of Google Chrome. Chrome uses DNS caching to facilitate fast loading of sites by mapping the IP addresses from cache when the same domain is opened repeatedly. If the IP address of the site is changed then the DNS caching of Chrome may cause delay in loading the site due to difference in IPs. Go to the URL chrome net internalsdns in your Chrome browser. Click Clear host cache button in Host resolver cache section or select Clear cache option from the drop down. Clear DNS Cache in Chrome. If you are using very old version of Chrome browser then you can also try disabling Built in Asynchronous DNS flag by following the below instructions. This option will not be available on latest Chrome version. Go to URL chrome flags. Press CtrlF in Windows or CommandF in Mac and search for asynchronous. Disabling Flag in Google Chrome Select Disable from drop down. Click on Relaunch Now button for your changes to take effect. Option 3 Clearing Cache of Local PC or Mac. Besides Chrome browser, your local PC or Mac also uses DNS caching to enable fast loading of repeat domain names accessed. So clearing your computers cache could also help in fixing the issue. If you use Windows, open the Command Prompt and enter the command ipconfig flushdns and you will see a success message. Press Windows key R and enter cmd to open command prompt in Windows XPVista7. Use power user options by pressing Windows key X to access command prompt in Windows 81. If you use Mac, open Terminal application from Utilities,  enter the command dscacheutil flushcache and you will not see any success message. If you use OS X version 1. DNS cache. Option 4  Disabling DNS Prediction or Prefetching. If the issue is not resolved after changing to public DNS servers or clearing the cache as explained above then try the following option. Open the Chrome browser window and click on the Settings icon shown in the upper right corner it should be like three lines in Windows or three dots in Mac. Select Settings option as shown in the picture below. Open Chrome Settings. You can open Chrome settings using URL chrome settings in the address bar. Then click on Show Advanced Settings link. Showing Advanced Settings in Chrome. Go to Privacy section and uncheck the option Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly as shown in the below picture. Restart your browser and check the site is loading properly. Disable DNS Prefetching in Google Chrome. Basically Chrome try to resolve all IP addresses of the links on a webpage. Though this is intended to improve the loading speed while you read the content on that page, this may negatively impact depending on the number and types of links. Note this option may be different on different versions of Chrome like Predict network actions to improve page load performance or similar to that. Option 5 Changing LAN Settings. If you see a Resolving proxy message in the status bar it might be due to your LAN settings. As explained in the option 4, open Chromes settings and click on the Show advanced settings link. Navigate to Network section and click on Change proxy settings button. Go to Connections tab and click on LAN settings button as shown in the picture below.